High quality load cell sensor
Weighing load cell used for commercial scale, industry scale

Nov 12, 2021

Structure composition (Hereinafter referred to as instrument), pricing scale load cell (hereinafter referred to as sensor), connectors, limit devices and junction boxes and other parts, and can also be equipped with external equipment such as large-screen display, computer and stabilized power supply.

The object to be weighed or the truck is placed on the carrier table, and under the action of gravity, the gravity is transmitted to the load cell through the carrier, so that the elastic body of the bench scale load cell is deformed and attached to the strain gauge bridge on the elastic body Loss of balance, the output is an electrical signal proportional to the weight value, and the signal is amplified by a linear amplifier. It is converted into digital signal by A/D, and the weight signal is processed by the CPU of the instrument, and then the weight data is displayed directly. After the printer is configured, the weighing data can be printed and recorded. If the computer is configured, the measurement data can be input into the computer management system for comprehensive management.

A strain gauge is pasted on the elastic body of the crane scale load cell to form a Wheatstone bridge. When there is no load, the bridge is in a balanced state and the output is zero. When the elastic body bears the load, the strain gauges will generate a strain proportional to the load. The external load can be measured by the output voltage, and it can be connected to the host computer through the communication interface of the instrument short coming.

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